FamilyLife Blended® Minute

Good News!

with Ron Deal | April 14, 2023
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Today we acknowledge the death of Christ. We call it Good Friday. What's good about it? In Jesus' day when Rome conquered an enemy, a herald would announce the good news. They called it a gospel. For us, the cross changed everything. The suffering of one brought mercy to many. Good Friday announced the “good news” that the battle had been won, victory was ours, and the King was restoring peace to his people. This weekend, join with your church family and celebrate the King. We have good news!

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  • Today we acknowledge the death of Christ. We call it Good Friday. What's good about it? In Jesus' day when Rome conquered an enemy, a herald would announce the good news. They called it a gospel. For us, the cross changed everything. The suffering of one brought mercy to many. Good Friday announced the “good news” that the battle had been won, victory was ours, and the King was restoring peace to his people. This weekend, join with your church family and celebrate the King. We have good news!

What’s so good about death?

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Good News!

With Ron Deal
April 14, 2023
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Ron: What’s so good about death?

Announcer: For FamilyLife Blended®, here’s Ron Deal.

Ron: Today’s the day we acknowledge the death of Christ. We call it Good Friday. What’s so good about it? In Jesus’ day when Rome conquered an enemy, a herald would announce the good news. They called it a gospel. “Things are different now,” they would announce, “Octavian won the war and peace is restored.”

For us, the cross changed everything. The suffering of one brought mercy to the many. Good Friday announced the “good news” that the battle had been won, victory was ours, and the King was restoring peace to his people. This weekend, join with your family and church family and celebrate the King. We have good news! For FamilyLife Blended I’m Ron Deal.

Announcer: To find out more visit

FamilyLife Blended with Ron Deal is a production of FamilyLife®.

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