FamilyLife Blended® Minute

Are the Kids Part of a Blended Family?

with | May 1, 2023
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Widowed after 40 years of marriage, Jerry married a woman who had been widowed and it dawned on him. “Did we just make our adult children part of a blended family?” Yep, you did. And their spouses and the grandkids. But your adult children may not consider themselves part of a stepfamily. That's common but know that you are a generational blended family. Don't fight over this; just know it touches every relationship. The more you know about healthy stepfamily living, the stronger you become.

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  • Widowed after 40 years of marriage, Jerry married a woman who had been widowed and it dawned on him. “Did we just make our adult children part of a blended family?” Yep, you did. And their spouses and the grandkids. But your adult children may not consider themselves part of a stepfamily. That's common but know that you are a generational blended family. Don't fight over this; just know it touches every relationship. The more you know about healthy stepfamily living, the stronger you become.

Did we just make our kids part of a blended family?

Are the Kids Part of a Blended Family?

Are the Kids Part of a Blended Family?

Widowed after 40 years of marriage, Jerry married a woman who had been widowed and it dawned on him. “Did we just make our adult children part of a blended family?” Yep, you did. And their spouses and the grandkids. But your adult children may not consider themselves part of a stepfamily. That’s common but know that you are a generational blended family. Don’t fight over this; just know it touches every relationship. The more you know about healthy stepfamily living, the stronger you become.

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Are the Kids Part of a Blended Family?

May 01, 2023
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Ron: Did we just make our kids part of a blended family?

Announcer: For FamilyLife Blended®, here’s Ron Deal.

Ron: Widowed after 40 years of marriage, Jerry married a woman who had been widowed after 20 and it dawned on him. “Did we just make our adult children part of a blended family?” Yep, you did. And their spouses and the grandkids.

Now here’s the funny thing, Jerry. Your adult children may not consider themselves part of a stepfamily. That’s common among adults whose parent married later in life. But whether they define it that way or not, you are a generational blended family. Don’t fight over this; just know that it touches every relationship. The more you know about healthy stepfamily living, the stronger you become. For FamilyLife Blended I’m Ron Deal.

Announcer: To find out more visit

FamilyLife Blended with Ron Deal is a production of FamilyLife®.

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