FamilyLife Blended® Minute

Step-Money: Landmine Mistakes to Avoid

with | May 11, 2023
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According to Patricia Estess, the first landmine is relying too heavily on a former spouse for child support. Being dependent makes you vulnerable. The second is skimping on the new family and spending on the old. Throwing money at your kids won't erase guilt or make up for lost time. Honor all your commitments equally. And third, don't have two different financial standards. Share your resources and treat everyone the same. When it comes to monetary landmines in stepfamilies, step around them.

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  • According to Patricia Estess, the first landmine is relying too heavily on a former spouse for child support. Being dependent makes you vulnerable. The second is skimping on the new family and spending on the old. Throwing money at your kids won't erase guilt or make up for lost time. Honor all your commitments equally. And third, don't have two different financial standards. Share your resources and treat everyone the same. When it comes to monetary landmines in stepfamilies, step around them.

Stepfamilies have a few financial landmines: don’t step on them.

Step-Money: Landmine Mistakes to Avoid

Step-Money: Landmine Mistakes to Avoid

According to Patricia Estess, the first landmine is relying too heavily on a former spouse for child support. Being dependent makes you vulnerable. The second is skimping on the new family and spending on the old. Throwing money at your kids won’t erase guilt or make up for lost time. Honor all your commitments equally. And third, don’t have two different financial standards. Share your resources and treat everyone the same. When it comes to monetary landmines in stepfamilies, step around them.

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Step-Money: Landmine Mistakes to Avoid

May 11, 2023
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Ron: Stepfamilies have a few financial landmines: don’t step on them.

Announcer: For FamilyLife Blended®, here’s Ron Deal.

Ron: According to Patricia Estess, the first landmine is relying too heavily on a former spouse for child support. Being dependent makes you vulnerable. Organize your finances around your home’s income and everything else is gravy.

The second is skimping on the new family and spending on the old. Throwing money at your kids won’t erase your guilt or make up for lost time. Honor all your commitments equally.

And the third, having two different financial standards within the same home. You can’t treat the kids differently. Share your resources and treat everyone the same. When it comes to monetary landmines in stepfamilies, I suggest you step around them. For FamilyLife Blended, I’m Ron Deal.

Announcer: To find out more visit

FamilyLife Blended with Ron Deal is a production of FamilyLife.

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