FamilyLife Blended® Minute

Separate Accounts?

with Ron Deal | March 22, 2023
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A consumer magazine offered this financial advice. “Consider separate accounts for your expenses that are all your own.” They were talking to blended family couples and encouraging separate bank accounts. But that creates a trust issue doesn't it? One man said, “I thought the point of marriage was oneness. How can couples become one if they keep their money separate?” Stepfamily finances are tricky. Consider all the factors, consult with a financial planner, and make a decision together.

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  • A consumer magazine offered this financial advice. “Consider separate accounts for your expenses that are all your own.” They were talking to blended family couples and encouraging separate bank accounts. But that creates a trust issue doesn't it? One man said, “I thought the point of marriage was oneness. How can couples become one if they keep their money separate?” Stepfamily finances are tricky. Consider all the factors, consult with a financial planner, and make a decision together.

In marriage, is “separate” ever okay?

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Separate Accounts?

With Ron Deal
March 22, 2023
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Ron: In marriage, is “separate” ever okay?

Announcer: For FamilyLife Blended®, here’s Ron Deal.

Ron: A consumer magazine offered this financial advice to couples: “Consider separate accounts for your expenses that are all your own.” “All your own?” You see, they were talking to blended family couples and encouraging separate bank accounts. You know, just in case. I guess if you have trust issues you should stay separate. But that, too, creates a trust issue doesn’t it? One man said it this way. “I thought the point of marriage was oneness. How can couples become one if they keep their money separate?”

Here’s my point: Stepfamily finances are tricky. You need to take all the factors into consideration, consult with a financial planner, and make a decision together. For FamilyLife Blended, I’m Ron Deal.

Announcer: To find out more visit

FamilyLife Blended with Ron Deal is a production of FamilyLife.

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