FamilyLife Blended® Minute

Grumpy Instead of Sad

with Ron Deal | March 30, 2023
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Eighteen-year-old Rachel's mother and brother were telling her how hard it was to get along with her lately. Her mom had started dating a guy and it made her miss her father who had died. But instead of being sad and sharing her grief with her family, she got grumpy and cranky. When your heart hurts the best way to deal with it is to actually be sad. Being grouchy just creates more problems. So, talk with someone you trust about your sadness. Give your heart a chance to find comfort.

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  • Eighteen-year-old Rachel's mother and brother were telling her how hard it was to get along with her lately. Her mom had started dating a guy and it made her miss her father who had died. But instead of being sad and sharing her grief with her family, she got grumpy and cranky. When your heart hurts the best way to deal with it is to actually be sad. Being grouchy just creates more problems. So, talk with someone you trust about your sadness. Give your heart a chance to find comfort.

Okay, I’m talking to the kids today. Have you ever noticed that sometimes when we’re sad on the inside, we act grumpy on the outside?

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Grumpy Instead of Sad

With Ron Deal
March 30, 2023
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Ron: Okay, I’m talking to the kids today. Have you ever noticed that sometimes when we’re sad on the inside, we act grumpy on the outside?

Announcer: For FamilyLife Blended®, here’s Ron Deal.

Ron: Eighteen-year-old Rachel and I were talking. Her mother and her brother were telling her how hard it was to get along with her lately. Well, she and I figured out why. Her mom had started dating a guy and it made her miss her father who had died a few years before; she felt like she was losing him all over again. But instead of being sad and sharing her grief with her family, she got grumpy and cranky.

You know kids, when your heart hurts the best way to deal with it is to actually be sad. Being grouchy just creates more problems. So, talk with someone you trust about your sadness, be honest about it. Give your heart a chance to find comfort. For FamilyLife Blended I’m Ron Deal.

Announcer: To find out more visit

FamilyLife Blended with Ron Deal is a production of FamilyLife®.

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