FamilyLife Blended® Minute

Battling Over Blame

with Ron Deal | April 19, 2023
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Couples often battle over who's to blame for the tension in their marriage. Ironically, both he and she want to close the gap in their relationship but pride is insidious and it drives people to conquer their spouse and blame them. At least it's not my fault we brag to ourselves. But as is the case with all sin, the momentary satisfaction is fleeting. Afterwards you realize you're all alone and the victory was self-defeating. Set aside your pride and deal with the person in the mirror.

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  • Couples often battle over who's to blame for the tension in their marriage. Ironically, both he and she want to close the gap in their relationship but pride is insidious and it drives people to conquer their spouse and blame them. At least it's not my fault we brag to ourselves. But as is the case with all sin, the momentary satisfaction is fleeting. Afterwards you realize you're all alone and the victory was self-defeating. Set aside your pride and deal with the person in the mirror.

One of the ways pride affects your marriage—it blinds you to you.

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Battling Over Blame

With Ron Deal
April 19, 2023
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Ron: One of the ways pride affects your marriage—it blinds you to you.

Announcer: For FamilyLife Blended®, here’s Ron Deal.

Ron: Couples often battle over who’s to blame for the tension in their marriage. Ironically, both he and she are trying to close the gap in their relationship, but pride is so insidious that it drives thirsty people to relish the moment—however brief it may be—when they conquer their spouse and blame it all on them. At least it’s not my fault we brag to ourselves.

But as is the case with all sin, the satisfaction of that moment is fleeting. The next moment brings the realization that you’re all alone and the victory was self-defeating. Set aside your pride and deal with the person in the mirror. For FamilyLife Blended, I’m Ron Deal.

Announcer: To find out more visit

FamilyLife Blended with Ron Deal is a production of FamilyLife.

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